PRO-tagonists Feedbacks: 2023 wing Bora V2 6.0 RH
We strongly wanted a high performance wing, with an innovative shape, and with rigid and soft handles. To date we are probably among the fastest growing brands both in terms of innovation and distribution. Our Protagonists are in the water every day to try and give feedback. Today Nico tells us how beautiful the Bora V2 6.0 is.
Foto: Reptile I-Ufo Pro 65, Wing Bora V2 4.2. Lago di Santa Croce on fire!
Innovation is the implementation of a new or significantly improved product. The wing foil is the innovation of the concept of fun. I never thought I'd have fun in such a simple, fast, accessible way. An inflatable board, a foil, a wing. What you see here in action fits in a backpack. Between heaven and earth. Innovation. Reptile.We are the watersport innovators.

News: 2024 Reptile Wing Bora 7.0
We can't reveal too many aspects of the new 2024 wing Bora 7.0, which will be available starting from the end of June 2023, also in race colors and with windows. But we can safely say that if you want to fly 8 knots...

Pro-tagonists Pictures: Piero Rautnik and The Wing Bora V2 Reptile
The wing Reptile Bora V2 is gaining more and more admirers. A balanced, powerful, stiff performing wing. These images speak for themselves. Wing with rigid handles, or with soft handles, the choice is yours!

PRO-tagonists Feedbacks: 2023 Reptile Wing Bora RH 5.0
Thanks to Reptile Sports I had the opportunity to test the new Wing Bora V2 RH.Unfortunately for this first test I didn't find ideal conditions, cloudy skies and very strong winds.My first impression on the new Bora v2 RH 5 has been very positive, with a background as a windsurfer I knew that the Wing with rigid handles would be perfect...
That line that separates us from our water world.
Everything we do, we do to overcome that thin line that separates everyday life on land from a world, a dimension full of energy and emotions, water. Everything we do we do to push you beyond that line and make you feel

How to wing foil: Foil mast, what size?
In our continuous development of the wingfoil department we are carrying on ever more performing products. But as we always repeat, we do not forget the new watersport enthusiasts who have to approach this...

Wingfoil Packs Reptile: New Configurator!
From today, choosing your wing foil package is even easier, thanks to the new Pack Wing Reptile configurator. Just go to the Pack Wing section and choose the board, the wing and the foil. Easy! You can also consult the new Reptile Wingfoil board Selector, to find the right board for you!

Wing Bora V2 : rigid or soft handles?
Which wing to choose? the one with the hard handles or the one with the soft handles?For our Bora V2 wing we have chosen to have two options: the wing with three soft handles, or the wing with two long rigid handles. Let's see how to choose them.

Wing Session: Wing Bora V2 vs. Bora wind 28 Knots
Wingfoil, winter session on a typical dark Bora windy day in Trieste.Rider: Andrea CellaWing: Bora V2 4.2wingfoil board: I-Ufo Pro 65Foil: Proto Reptile Audace 1100