Fall. The leaves fall and the MASTS remain! Until November 30th, 30% discounts!

Take advantage of the Reptile autumn discounts on Fibra and Reverse windsurfing masts. Discounts up to 30%, only until November 30th!

Windsurf Trip.A trip to Viana, Portugal.

Holidays, an element of the equation that allies with you to be able to play with the day-to-day organization and with the weather conditions for windsurfing. And at that moment we were, suddenly a good forecast on the horizon, just one detail to take into account, the graceful spot was about 10 hours away and about 10,000 km.

Reptile Team Rider Michele Laurenza dominates the stage of the Youth Italian Slalom championship

Congratulations to our Team Pro-tagonist Michele Laurenza for a hat-trick at the stage of the Italian Youth Windsurfing and Windsurfing Foil Championship.1st foil youth1st foil overall1st fin youthHere is his report.

Reptile Reverse windsurf mast. One Mast with two curves.

Reptile has always placed research and development at the center of its activity with the sole purpose of constantly improving the reliability and performance of its products.And thanks to the internal mastery of almost all the trades and processes related to the design and manufacture of its products, the Brand has never stopped pushing the boundaries of the art of composite material linked...

Reptile Windsurf Mast: Fibra 80 RDM, the unbreakable.

The most annoying thing in windsurfing is breaking the mast, because, in addition to the unscheduled swim, there is often the risk of tearing or ruining the delicate windsurf sail. (by the way, we think it's ridiculous that in 2023 1000 euros are spent on a windsurf sail that is ruined by looking at it). Anyway, we have made an unbreakable windsurf mast. The sail doesn't seem at its level.

Pro-tagonists Pictures: Michele Laurenza ready for the windsurf season with Reptile.

Spring is upon us and our team of Protagonists is warming up the engines in view of the Windsurf, Wingfoil and Sup events. As you can see, Michele is ready, charged and motivated with his new Reptile Fibra 100 SDM windsurf masts. Whether fin or foil, the top in windsurfing masts. May it be a great 2023!

Pro-tagonists Pictures: All in spots

All of us, all over the world, have "the spot" that spot that works very rarely, normally very sensitive to changes in the direction of the wind and the sea, in which we have more failures than successes, but when you succeed...

Reptile Windsurf Mast Selector

Which windsurf mast to choose for my new sail? I have some old sails but I would like to rig them with a single mast, which windsurf mast do you recommend? These are just some of the questions we are asked every day. And so we created the Mast Selector!

News : Windsurf Mast Reptile Fibra 100 SDM SUPERLIGHT optimized also for foiling!

Reptile, as a windsurf mast builder, is famous for innovating without distorting, perfecting the heart of an already aesthetically perfect product. That's what we did with the Fibra 100 SDM Super light, one of the best performing windsurf masts in the world At the height of an aesthetic perfection combined with an unprecedented dynamic response thanks to the use of carbon fibers among the noblest on the market , we have optimized and implemented even more the rolling plan...

Pro-tagonists Pictures: Daniele Di Rosa at Jaws, Hawaii

Do you know what is the right direction in life? The one of dreams. You must never give up on a dream! And when we look at these photos of Daniele Di Rosa we understand that he has chosen to live a wonderful dream.


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