News : Windsurf Mast Reptile Fibra 100 SDM SUPERLIGHT optimized also for foiling!

Reptile, as a windsurf mast builder, is famous for innovating without distorting, perfecting the heart of an already aesthetically perfect product. That's what we did with the Fibra 100 SDM Super light, one of the best performing windsurf masts in the world At the height of an aesthetic perfection combined with an unprecedented dynamic response thanks to the use of carbon fibers among the noblest on the market , we have optimized and implemented even more the rolling plan...

Pro-tagonists Pictures: Daniele Di Rosa at Jaws, Hawaii

Do you know what is the right direction in life? The one of dreams. You must never give up on a dream! And when we look at these photos of Daniele Di Rosa we understand that he has chosen to live a wonderful dream.

PRO-tagonists Feedbacks: Reptile Fibra 100 RDM

Our PRO-tagonist and Social Media Manager Josè has long tested our Fibra 100 RDM windsurf masts, here are his advice and feedback on their use.

Reptile Team Rider Daniele Di Rosa is flying to Maui for the IWT Aloha Classic!

The italian wave rider Daniele Di Rosa is flying to Maui to compete against the best wave riders of the planet at Maui Aloha Classic.


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