In the ever-evolving world of wing foiling, one of the most important decisions every rider must make is choosing between a wing with hard handles and one with soft handles. Both types of wings offer excellent performance on the water, but there are some fundamental differences that can impact your flying experience.

Wing with Hard Handles:

This type of wing is characterized by rigid structures that maintain the shape and stability of the wing even when it's not under tension. Hard handles provide a sense of rigidity and control during flight, allowing the rider to have greater precision in movements and to maintain control in strong wind conditions.

Wings with hard handles are ideal for riders seeking a sensation closer to traditional windsurfing or who prefer greater responsiveness and control during flight. They are particularly suitable for executing advanced maneuvers and for facing challenging wind conditions.

Wing with Soft Handles:

Conversely, wings with soft handles are characterized by flexible structures that adapt to wind tension and rider maneuvers. Soft handles offer a more fluid and natural sensation during flight, allowing the rider to have greater freedom of movement and a stronger sense of connection with the wind and waves.

Wings with soft handles are ideal for riders seeking a more relaxed and playful sensation during flight, or for those who are new to the world of wing foiling and desire greater error tolerance and a gentler learning curve.

Ultimately, the choice between a wing with hard handles and one with soft handles depends on your personal preferences, riding style, and level of experience. Both types of wings offer a unique and exhilarating flying experience, and the key is to find what best suits your needs and your aquatic lifestyle.

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