Introducing the definitive evolution of Reptile’s payoff. A word that is simple, clean, and deeply meaningful. It encapsulates the essence of our brand, what we do, what we dream of, what we were born for, and what we aim to communicate. This unique word embodies all our emotions, desires, and passions:


Wetever represents a concept that is entirely different from anything seen before. We don't claim to be the best, the fastest, the coolest, or the most determined with banalities. We are Wetever. Even when we are at work, absorbed in our daily commitments, far from the sea, our thoughts are always there. And when they’re not, we smile the moment they return. We convey passion when we talk about our sport, a wonderful passion that will always be with us. And people need to know this, to discover how vast the world we live in is when we cross the shoreline that separates the mundane from our Wetground—a place that makes us dream, have fun, sometimes relax, sometimes exhilarate, and occasionally challenge us. But it always recharges us and makes us feel good. This is why we are Wetever.

Wetever is not just a slogan or a payoff. Wetever is our lifestyle, our relationship with the world we live in, and our sport. Wetever is our soul, the solid foundation on which we are building numerous projects related to our sport and the sea.
We can't and don't want to please everyone. There is no absolute truth or right answer. There is OUR answer and our way of communicating it. We won't follow anyone but will write our own story. We won’t try to convince anyone but will simply show the world how at peace we are with ourselves and how connected we are to nature when we are in the water. If people will not understand this way to live, no worries, we will still have had fun doing what we always do: going into the water and being Wetever.

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