So what makes us different and possibly even better (because we are) than other wetsuit companies and brands?
To not call out other wetsuit makers, we will be using letters for our examples. We have company A,B,C, and ours. These other companies are the most popular and easiest to find in surf shops around the world.

Company A is known for its newest very flexible neoprene however, the warmth factor is not present. Due to the type of neoprene they are using for the flexibility, over time the neoprene tends to thin out, unravel and if you do not properly rinse it out every session and or leave it to dry in direct sunlight, the neoprene tends to pretty much corrode causing the fabric to become very rigid and non repairable. Company A compared to Matuse has the same price point for our lower priced wetsuits: Apollo & Dante for mens and D’arc & Diana for womens which are our suits made out of Geoflex that minimizes water absorption while still having possibly even better elasticity than Company A  and much longer shelf life (even if you do not rinse out the suit or leave it to dry in direct sunlight).

Company B is a powerhouse of manufacturing wetsuits and have their name on many professional's backs. Company B reigns itself on having less seams while still having flexibility and warmth. This is all true however the most prominent problems these suits seem to have is less focus on the small parts. Blown out zippers, neoprene separating in the places that do have stitched seams and stretching in places where most stress is put upon; zipperless chest pieces where ongoing force is inevitably being put upon the back panel piece slowly but surely stretching it out overtime and changing the fit of the wetsuit. This also leads to more flushing of water and having to get yet another medium to high priced wetsuit. These suits compared to our Tumo and Artemis, otherwise known as our Geoprene suits are in the same price range however our Geoprene is 98% water impermeable, as well maintains overall shape memory, lasts four plus years, has a waterproof YKK zippers, and has oversized knee pads making sure the pressure of duck diving has a much low impact is definitely a better bang for your buck. Not to mention our repair program far surpases the speed and customer communication than Company B.

Last but not least, Company C, who focuses on warmth and flexibility just as us but is missing the durability. They have a wide variety of mens, kids, and womens wetsuits which are indeed very pleasing to the eye and so are the price points on some of their wetsuits however, what is the catch? Company C first off has very odd sizing however sometimes that makes the people buying them feel good. For these suits, most of the time a size down is needed for a nice comfy fit and through my experience these suits are indeed flexible and warm but tend to have leaky seams the more you wear them and the neoprene itself does not hold shape. This means for example: you go in for your regular size, you size down due to your normal size being too large and only after a couple of sessions it is as if you are in the size your first tried on that was too big. These suits stretch out, leak and are honestly not comparable to any of our wetsuits other than they have a wide variety of colors and patterns to choose from for their full suits which makes them unique and we do not have that… at the moment. Luckily if you want a wetsuit or want to invest in our higher priced wetsuits then you will get a suit that lasts longer, is more warm, does not stretch out, is not carelessly blasted out of a manufacturer, fits well and snug, is better for the environment, has a wide range of size options, has wonderful customer service, fast repair time and so much more, than Company A, B and C are not for you. Matuse is for you and we are here to stay, get better, and keep tweaking on the tiniest things to make it an even better experience for everyone who decides to choose Matuse.

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