All sea conditions


The Cobra 100 paddle comes in a beautifully worked carbon that guarantees strength and lightness (reaching almost 0.4 kg), in design it is minimal but captivating with the classic green "R" on the easily recognizable blade.
The shape of the blade is very carved and allows you to move much more water to give greater thrust and thanks to the reactive flex of the shaft the thrust does not load on the back.
For years I have used various types of paddles, in search of my balance, until I tried the Cobra 100.
This year I competed throughout the Italian Fick championship with the Cobra 100 in really all sea conditions, sometimes even doing some surfing; and "she" has always guaranteed me an immediate response, immediately giving me strong acceleration and a great detachment in the starts; in turns the size of 83 in2 guarantees a good support in the water, allowing excellent stability during the manoeuvre.


Personally I think it is a type of paddle suitable for all athletes who intend to raise their performance but who already have a minimum of experience. However it is not necessary to be great experts to be able to use it, in fact in terms of quality, it is excellent especially for athletes who want to give their best in competitions.

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